The Malta Trust Foundation’s Commitment to Transforming Lives
Marchese di Villabianca
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mental Health & Wellbeing
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The Malta Trust Foundation
The Malta Trust Foundation is interested in sustainable approaches to address poverty and vulnerability and therefore we insist on investing our resources to ensure tangible impact.
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IDEA Educational Support Programme launched
The Malta Trust Foundation signed an agreement with IDEA Group to set in motion a new progamme called IDEA Education Support...
ADVICE: The Malta Trust Foundation u FITA b’kollaborazzjoni fl-immaniġġjar ta’ ċentru ta’ dimostrazzjoni għal persuni bi problemi ta’ viżta
L-għaqda non-governattiva ADVICE, li kienet tipprovdi ghajnuna lil persuni bi problemi serji ta’ viżta, xoljiet u ghaddiet...
The Monster I face
I am terrified when night approaches. I am not afraid of the dark. Darkness does not scare me. What scares me are the thoughts...