The Malta Trust Foundation set up an exciting and unique artistic space in Malta called...
Mental Health Recovery Officer
Position Title: Mental Health Recovery Officer Position Summary: The Mental Health...
Call for Volunteers
The Malta Trust Foundation is looking for volunteers who want to be part of the Programm...
Activity Leader – Programm Tbissima
Call – Contract for Services of an Activity Leader for Programm Tbissima on a part-time...
IDEA Educational Support Programme launched
The Malta Trust Foundation signed an agreement with IDEA Group to set in motion a new...
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Call for Applications – Progetto Mediterraneo
Progetto Mediterraneo a.y. 2024-2025 A collaboration between Luiss University,...
Call for Applications – Progetto Mediterraneo
Two Scholarships for Luiss Master’s Degree Programmes available for the 2024-2025...
Expression of Interest – Counsellor/Psychotherapist/Family Therapist/Counselling Psychologist at the Blossom Project
The provision of Counselling/Psychotherapy services in schools. A Project of The Malta...
ADVICE: The Malta Trust Foundation u FITA b’kollaborazzjoni fl-immaniġġjar ta’ ċentru ta’ dimostrazzjoni għal persuni bi problemi ta’ viżta
L-għaqda non-governattiva ADVICE, li kienet tipprovdi ghajnuna lil persuni bi problemi...
Tips for interacting with people you meet at Villabianca
Pay attention to people’s need for personal space. Speak softly within the space and...