
A mental health home support service in Gozo

For the past four years the Malta Trust Foundation has led a community based mental health home-support service in Gozo.  This service reaches out to persons with mental health difficulties, who would rather not resort to hospital services for support, because of the associated stigma. This service also assists clients to manage their lives in their own environment and fosters a community-based approach with the aim of empowering individuals to understand and manage their relevant issues while reducing hospital admission rates.  It is essentially a proactive and preventive service.

Clients are referred to the Sunrise Project through a psychiatrist and a case discussion by the professionals determines whether the case is complex or otherwise This will establish the necessary care plan drawn up with and for the relevant needs of the individual and to be followed through with the Sunrise Mental Health Home Recovery and Support Worker and the team of Mental Health Professionals that work in collaboration with The Malta Trust Foundation.


Strategic Partnerships

This project is a full collaboration with the Mental Health Association Gozo who are providing clinical case-management and supervision to the team on a weekly basis. This is to ensure that high service standards are maintained.

Empowering Futures

Join us in making a difference and donate now to The Malta Trust Foundation, empowering lives and building a brighter future for all.

Meet The Team

Monique Caruana

Monique Caruana

Mental Health Home - Support Worker

Matthew Camilleri

Matthew Camilleri

Mental Health Home - Recovery Worker

Objectives Of The Project

The Sunrise Project’s support has been available to adults aged 18 and over who are living in Gozo and with a mental health difficulty which is affecting their daily functioning. Service users could be either living alone or with family/friends and are referred through a psychiatrist.

In 2022 this initiative has supported the Gozitan community through:

  • Practical and emotional support
  • Short/medium/long term rehabilitative care
  • Information and interventions

Psychosocial education on mental health, available services, self-care and empowerment opportunities to enhance personal and social skills and abilities

Presenting issues/needs relevant to project

Mental health difficulties effect ones emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing cognition, perception, and behaviour. It likewise determines how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making. The services user’s ability to enjoy life and to create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve a good lifestyle is very difficult.

Needs Relevant to the Project

Further information about the service with different professionals and individuals must shared. The Sunrise project is not well known within the Mental health facilities in Gozo and when need be, of a new referral there is always the question to what the project is, who do you work with, etc


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